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Cheek Exercises

 1 Cheek Lift

Goal: Feel upwards stretch  in your cheekbones 


1 Place your fingers like a fist on your cheek 

2 Press hard into your cheeks

3 Make an O shape in that position

4 Repeat cheek lift workout for 5minutes daily

2 Cheeks Jowl

Goal: Feel stretch and tightness in your cheek jowls


1 Open your mouth wide so that your face gets tense

2 Place your hands on your collarbone

3 Move your hands up your cheeks with your mouth open wide to feel tugging in your cheeks 

4 Repeat sagged cheeks jowl Exercise 

3 Eyes and Cheek Muscles 

Goal: Feel stretch and tightness in upper eyelids + Cheek muscles


1 Close your eyes tightly to tense up your whole face 

2 Tighten lips and make a duck face

3 Open eyes and mouth wide open make a surprised face

4 Repeat eyes and cheek muscles Exercise

4 Firm Cheeks Chiselled Jawline

Goal: Feel stretch and tightness in cheek jawline


1 Purse your lips 

2 Move Jowl forward in that position

3 Open your mouth wide open 

4 Raise your cheeks upwards to your eye level while opening your mouth wide

5 Repeat toning firm cheeks chiseled jawline Exercise

5 Tone Cheek Muscles Left 

Goal: Feel stretch and tightness in your left cheek


1 Purse your lips tightly 

2 Allow the pressure  from your pursed lips to turn your head to the left 

4 Return to original position relax and repeat tone cheek muscles left

6 Tone Cheek Muscles Right

Goal: Feel stretch and tightness in your right cheek


1 Purse your lips tightly 

2 Allow the pressure  from your pursed lips to turn your head to the right 

4 Return to original position relax and repeat tone cheek muscles right
