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Lip Exercises

 1 Toning Lips Exercise

Goal: Feel stretch and tightness in lips


1 Pout your lips 

2 Flatten and tighten your lips 

3 Release and Repeat lip toning workout  daily

2 Mouth Corners and Lips Exercise

Goal: Feel stretch around your mouth  and tightness of your lips


1 Blow air into your mouth 

2 Make fists  and  press against  mouth filled with air 

3 Release air from the mouth 

4 Repeat mouth corners and lips Exercise 

3 Smoothening the Mouth Area Exercise

Goal: Feel upwards stretch around the nose area


1 Place your index fingers next to your nose to stretch upwards 

2 Tighten and flatten your lips as you do that

3 Move your index finger back to the nose 

5 Repeat the smoothening of the mouth area Exercise

4 Toning the Mouth Area Exercise

Goal: Feel tightness on the lower lip 


1 Open your mouth and stick out your tongue  

2 Move tongue sideways from left to right over the lower lip

3 Close your mouth 

4 Repeat toning the mouth Exercise

5 Wrinkles Around the Mouth Exercise  

Goal: Feel stretch around mouth and tightness of your lips 


1 Purse your lips 

2 blow kisses in the air

3 Put your hand on your lips 

4 Repeat wrinkles around the mouth exercises

6 Wrinkles Around the Mouth Exercise  

Goal: Feel stretch around mouth and tightness of your lips 


1 Open your mouth 

2 Pull your lips over your dentil

3 Repeat wrinkles around the mouth exercises

7 Wrinkles Around the Mouth Exercise  

Goal: Feel tenseness of your mouth 

1 Flatten your lips 

2 Tense your mouth and make a sad face sideway

3 Move your jaw forward

4 Repeat wrinkles around the mouth exercises

8 Mouth Corners 

Goal: Feel stretch around mouth and tightness of your lips 


1 Purse your lips 

2 Move your pursed lips all around

3 Repeat mouth corner exercises
